Our purpose

The Flackwell Heath Residents’ Association (“FHRA”) is a registered charity (number 1111230) run by an executive committee of volunteers. You can find out more about the committee here.

The FHRA’s purpose is to support community life and make the village a better place to live. Our efforts are focused on: providing better community facilities, organising and supporting community events, helping to preserve the character of the village and informing its development and improvement. All local residents are welcome to join the FHRA.


Annual membership is £5 per person or £10 per household and every penny is invested in the village.

What does FHRA do and what do you get for your fiver?

• Maintain the Jubilee garden and four planters around the village

• Organises a food market on the third Saturday of every month, bringing local, artisan food and drink suppliers to the village

• Annual Flackwell Heath summer fete and picnic

• Annual Christmas event, incorporating the Flackwell Heath Christmas lights switch on

• Funds and manages the Flackwell Heath Christmas lights – without the FHRA there would be no Christmas lights in the village!

• Informs the development of and improvement of the village (for example we have recently contributed towards the children’s play area at the Recreation ground on Straight Bit)

• Manages a number of litter picks to improve the appearance of the village

• Make donations to worthy local causes and organisations including the scouts and Flackwell Heath Minors football club

• Continue to act as a voice for Flackwell Heath residents on important planning and environmental issues such as new housing developments, speeding and anti-social behaviour, plus attends and observes Parish Council meetings and minutes with a view to representing village interests wherever possible.

What else should we be doing?

We can only improve by listening to your views. If you have feedback, ideas or questions – do direct them to us at: hello@fhra.co.uk.

Get involved

If you want to find out more about helping FHRA as a volunteer or committee member then we’d love to hear from you. You can email us at: hello@fhra.co.uk
