Through your Council Tax contributions Buckinghamshire Council provide and maintain the Flackwell Heath Christmas street lighting each year for us all to enjoy. The village Christmas Tree and lights in the corner of Jubilee Gardens at the centre of the village is maintained by the Residents Association.
The FHRA plays a key role as a central point of contact for the Council and Lighting Contractor to schedule when lights are installed, switched on, the lighting schedule and removing of the lights. They also report lighting failures for repair. In 2020, Eldridge Electrical Ltd (, who have close ties to the village, very kindly donated new LED lights for the village Christmas Tree which reduced electrical consumption and maintenance costs. This has been better for the environment and reduced costs to the residents of the village as their installation and removal was paid by FHRA membership fees and profits from FHRA events. Eldridge also provided enough lights to cover the growing tree for years to come.
The Christmas Tree light switch on is run by FHRA during Christmas on the Heath event held in the gardens and Common Road on the last Saturday of November.
The next major Christmas Lights project for FHRA is to replace the ageing “Mistletoe” ball lights in the two trees opposite Aries House located on the precinct in front of the stores and opposite The Cherry Tree Pub. This display remains in the trees all year which are now rotting and need replacement as two faulty balls have already been removed. FHRA are looking to raise £1,600 to replace them with a new set of upgraded Mistletoe tree lights. If you are a local business or resident that would like to contribute to funding this please contact us at