The FHRA is run by a committee of volunteers – you can find out a little more about each of them below!

Chairperson: Lenny White

Lenny lived in Wooburn Green before moving up to Flackwell Heath in 2012 with his wife and two children. He joined the FHRA in 2015 during which time he has been the charity’s Treasurer for three years and became the Chairman in 2019 which remains his current role. He says, “I’ve lived in many different areas over the years, and there’s no place better than Flackwell. Being part of the FHRA has been great fun, working with a great team of fab people who all share the same values – let’s make it even better!

Vice Chairperson: Samantha Aldridge

I moved to Flackwell Heath in 2016 and feel lucky to live in this beautiful village. I joined FHRA in 2017 because I was seeing a couple of social media posts where all people were doing was shaming the village for its faults, but not actually doing anything to help, contribute or try to make a change to what they thought was wrong. So I decided instead of sitting behind a screen I would put myself out there to help. 
I went along to a FHRA meeting to listen and put forward a couple of ideas and well the rest is history. 
I joined to help with events and am now vice chair and manage the memberships. 

Secretary: Barbara Hunt

Barbara moved into Flackwell Heath in 1976 with her husband, Geoff, and three children who went into Carrington Middle and First Schools. She has been involved with FHRA for some years as Minutes Secretary.

Treasurer: John Mannering

John and Pam Mannering (see below!) moved to Flackwell Heath in 1984, still probably not qualifying as real locals! John started football refereeing when their boys were in Beavers and Cubs ending with the Minors and Maidenhead Girls. For the last few years, John has acted as treasurer for the FHRA.

Committee Member: Pamela Mannering

John and Pam Mannering moved to Flackwell Heath in 1984, still probably not qualifying as real locals! Their 3 children started their education at Carrington school and Pam has been involved in many villages groups starting with the “Under Fives” when they moved in and upward through the age groups. Pam has been active with FHRA since its inception holding a variety of posts including Chairman, Youth and Events. Lately organising the village Food Market has been high on her job list. 

Committee Member: Larisa Townsend

Larisa moved to Flackwell Heath in 2014 with her husband, and they now have two young daughters. She helped to set up the FlackWild Heath initiative, came to and FHRA committee meeting to tell us about it and the rest is history! She is involved in organising FHRA events and has recently revamped the FHRA website.

Committee Member: Simon Bristow

Simon lives in Flackwell Heath with his wife and two children. He was instrumental in setting up the Flackwell Heath Community Speed Watch Group and the Wombles of the Heath. Simon helps with all FHRA events, manages the maintenance and renewal of the village Christmas lights and coordinates the village litter picks.

Committee Member: Chris Marriott

I moved to the village with his wife Amy, and we now have three daughters! I joined the FHRA after seeing a social media post wanting helpers. It’s a great excuse to go and have a drink with some great people.

Parish Council Link Representative: Liz Johncock