Heath Fest 2023 – Thank You!!

What a weekend! The weather was kind to us and we welcomed over 1,000 festival goers to Carrington Field on 1 July 2023.

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to all the volunteers who helped out during the weekend, whether with set-up, clear-up or on the day itself. From ticket-takers to patrolling marshals, parking attendants and litter-pickers: we had an army of helpers that enabled the day to run smoothly and count ourselves very lucky to live in a community where there are so many willing to help out where they can. We must also say a big thank you to our sponsors, Martin Adams, Blacklaw Legal, M&C Carpets and Nexus Financial Services, without whom we would not be able to run the event, and thank you to local company GDT Fire Extinguishers, who supplied us with fire extinguishers for the second year running! 

Finally, thank you to all the performers, food and drink vendors and stallholders who made the day so special: almost all were local to Flackwell (or the immediate vicinity), making this a true community event!

Heath Fest WILL be back on 6 July 2024 – Save the Date!

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